Camelot European benchmarking

A key component of the activities of Camelot Consulting is to monitor the development regarding collection systems in different European countries, in order to detect similarities and differences, attributable to differences in current legislation and national waste management strategies as well as differences in terms of approach in the practical logistical implementation. A part of this work is the overall mapping which takes place under the vignette "Municipality of the week". The purpose of this project is to elaborate profiles according to a special format regarding collection methods, collected quantities etc. and once 10 profiles have been completed by country, these will be used to compile a report regarding European waste management practices. Currently around 50 profiles are missing, which means that this part of the project is estimated to be completed around August 2008. The figure below illustrates the current status by country of this mapping:


In the following phase of the European mapping more detailed studies will be conducted for different areas of collection, according to below:

  • Recycling centres
  • Hazardous waste
  • Electronics
  • Organic waste
  • Bulky waste
  • Kerbside material collection
  • Consumer batteries
  • Textiles
  • The purpose of this exercise is to create a manual for household fetching, which takes into account primary as well as secondary fetching orders, by means of detailed studies of actual fetching practices within European municipalities, in order to among these identify a best-developed-practice by area, when it comes to recycling degree as well as fetching- and cost effectiveness. The approach is being illustrated by the figure below:


    The first project to be completed regards stationary staffed collection facilities, that is recycling centres, and will be initiated in parallel with the overall mapping in connection to the project "Municipality of the week". The aim is to dedicate a detailed study to 2 examples for each of the countries covered by the mapping according to above. The purpose is to make a comprehensive analysis of this part of the collection scheme, with regard to issues such as target material spectrum, layout, opening hours, facility density, operative costs for the facility as such as well as transportation from this and also different models for payment and limitation of access. This will include field studies as well as thorough data modellings. The cost to participate in this round is 2 500 EUR per participant (excl. VAT and expenses). Those municipalities/municipal companies which participate in any of the studies will automatically also be entitled to share the result of the other projects, which all will be documented in the form of a report and finally integrated into a European waste management manual. For municipalities which do not take part in any of the subprojects, the cost of the reports will be 750 EUR each. If your are interested in joining this part of the project, please notify us under

    Camelot Waste Management Consulting * Nybrogatan 83; Stockholm
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