The people's home probably is one of the most frequently utilised
poliltical terms in this country; lauched in the spirit of progress
after the war and thereafter continually repeated by politicians which
have confessed the idea of the welfare state, but still primarily associated
with the person who first pronounced it - Per Albin Hansson. As of today,
the concept has lost at least some of its previous magic, which may be
explained by the fact that the people's home in the sense a decent residential and living
standard for all, in general is being taken for granted. This however raises the question
whether it might not any more be sufficient to simply extend the content of the traditional
people's home, but instead revise the basic idea. In this connection it might well
be, that the thought of the "green poeple's home" may contribute to
the necessary renewal and already back in 2004, Göran Persson launched this
concept, as a part of the ideological development of the party.
In the memoirs of Tage Erlander, there is an episode where an American
journalist had noted that the clothing style in Stockholm had reached
a very decent level, which he took as an indication that Sweden was
a well-developed country. Erlander did then argue that this appeared to
be a dubious way of doing the evaluation and instead in the spirit of
the people's home suggested that standard of the appartments was the
truly relevant measure. In our days, when the residential standard
generally is on an evenly high level, we need new dimensions to quantify the
level of civilisation and in that connection the degree of realisation
of the circulation society, appears to be a highly interesting variable.
However this is a multidimensional parametre and in order to get
an apprehension of the state of the country in the regard of source
separation, knowledge of the collection- and recycling results
for a number of different material types will be required, such as
different kinds of packages, bulky waste, organic waste and not
to forget hazardous waste. Thus the evaluation is siginificantly more
complex than when it is about determining the residential standard,
which be easily defined as the number of rooms or the area
per capita.
On this picture there is, what adhering to current ministerial jargon,
would most likely be referred to as a "high-level-skiff", belonging
to a property, which was in 1953 left to the Swedish government, which
is being employed for interlocutive rowing for statesmen. The receiver
declared sceptic to the inclination of the American press, to in their
European reporting regard clothing style as a level indicator of the society,
and instead, in the spirit of the people's home, proposed an evaluation
based on living standard
Of course it is possible to extend the limits of the people's home
in the sense living standard, but somewhere there is limit, where further
standard improvements on the margin to the degree exceed what could
be considered a decent basic standard, that the whole idealistic core of
the project is being lost and it is then that the thought of the green
people's home arises, whose purpose is to renew the original idea of the
people's home rather by deepening it than by allowing too much
of inflation in the basic material conditions. The green people's home is
about digging where one stands, by starting to deal with the environmental
issue wihtin the four walls of the home, rather than being horrified by
the gigantic environmental problems in the big world, about which media
At the same time, it is a way of counteracting the clichéification
of the people's home metaphore, which has come to be employed
all too carelessly. One of several current examples of this, is that
an interior design store on Tegnérgatan, which Camelot Consulting passes
on its way to the central library of Stockholm, has adopted the name
"The people's home", probably aiming at gaining the status
as the preferred supplier of furniture, for the people's home.
Ernst Wigforss already warned for all too much of material influences on
the people's home idea, which is demonstrated e.g. by a few reservations
in the final sections of his memoirs, where he states that the
reform instigators must not "exaggerate the value of exterior changes
in the lives of people."
The creators of the old and the new people's home. To the left
Per-Albin Hansson who first launched the idea; to the right Göran
Persson, who brought the people's home into the new century
To some extent the people's home is the Social Democarat equivalent of the
concept the small world of the non-socialists. The people's home has the same
relationship to the welfare state as the small world to the big world in
the conservative rhetoric. The conservatives often emphasize the role
of the small world when it comes to issues such as health and other care,
but not to the same extent accentuate its importance when it comes to
environmental issues. To some extent this may not be an inclination
specifically among the non-socialists, since it is easy for everybody,
provided the gigantic proportions of the global environmental problems, to lose
faith in the importance of the contribution of the individual. This is a weakness
which significantly worsens the possibilities to deal with the environmental
problems of our time and the green people's home is an approach to help the
citizen regain his faith, that it is possible to by means of common efforts
attain environmental goals, like it in the preceeding century was possible to
build the people's home from a material point of view.
The rhetoric in connection to the green people's home however is not as confrontative.
Let alone that it is important to by means of legislation ensure that producers
take their part of the responsibility by menas of so called producers' liability systems,
but municipalities and individuals will always be the central agents in order to
create a functioning green people's home. In a way the required efforts and the
time dedicated to complying with the obligations implied by the green people's
home can be seen as a form av taxation. In the same way as the classical people's home
required and still requires common sacrifices in the form of financial taxation, the
green people's home requires its tribute in the form of special care in the kitchen as
well as the work transporting each respective fraction to its correct destination;
let us call it a temporal taxation.
The may-pole, a traditional floristic ornament of the people's home and
thereby its season specific frame. After the party, the source separation
principle will be practiced. The skeleton can be re-used in one-year-cycles,
whereas the decorative elements are being added to the amount of garden waste
Let alone that the compliance cannot be controlled in the same way as the normal
taxation, but nevertheless it is possible to put higher demands than today on the
households. This can be done in several ways, for example by introducing a legal
duty to separate hazardous waste, which has been discussed for long, or by means
of various economic incentives, such as a weight based tarif, which reward the
correct behaviour. In Norway it has grown more common to at the recycling centres
put a fee on the landfill fraction, but receiving other fractions for free. Another example
is the rather widespread fee discount for households practicing garden composting.
The ideal would of course be to install a heavy metal and chemical detector
in the vehicles in order to reveal the source separation cheating, but even if this
still is far away, it is perfectly possible to counteract the cheating more effectively
than today.
Even if the green people's home may appear as an entirely new dimension, it is always important
not to make things all too complicated. Why not create a simple and robust definition
of the green people's home in material terms, by adding so called source separation
utensils in the form av appropriate plastic containers for the various fraction to
the basic standard of the green people's home. Once this has become a standard gadget in
Swedish homes, much should be achieved already.
The practical issues must not be neglected. The sink perspective is key and
the installation of adquate
source separation utensils in Swedish homes is the first step towards
the realisation of the green people's home
Another way of creating a more unambiguous definition of the concept in question, would
be to focus on the total recycling degree, that is the total amount of household
waste going to recycling. All around Europe, municipalities are fighting to
reach the goal of a 50% recycling degree, that is 50% of the total waste quantity
which is sent to other treatment than landfill and combustion. The green people's
home must however of course aim higher than this. In that connection the 50% recycling
degree is rather to be seen as a point of departure for stepwise increases. In the
same way as the milestones of the gradual improvement of the living standard could
be seen as the number of rooms, it is the next 10 percentage mark, which at every
point in time is the goal towards which the waste management politics
is pointing.
The 50 percent level can to some extent be compared to the national agreement for
farm workers, which stipulated a minimum livling area of 35 square metres for family
residences, which came to be a starting point for the improvement of living standard,
but today appears to be rather remote and not very impressive.
In a way, the people's home
metaphore appears to be even more excellent when it comes to the ecological
visions thant the economic ones. An important difference though is that whereas
the old people's home is about distribution, the new is about consolidation, even
if it in both cases is abouth in a pioneer spirit creating the future society.
The people's home ideologists have frequently made use of the statement, which
has been attributed to lord Bacon: "Prosperity is like manure, it is of no use,
as long as it isn't distributed". In the very same fashion one could say that
the recyclable waste is like the havest. It is useless, unless it is being collected.
But gently flows the river Don, and the targeted convergence towards the green
people's home ideal is therefore most likely a matter at least of decades, even if
as time passes, we will probably come to look upon today's clumsy source separation
efforts like we today look upon the cramped housing-accomodation, which lies less than
a century back in time. The posterity will most likely be amazed by the rudimentary
procedures of today, like we today find it hard to perceive the connection, between
the more or less complete people's home, in which we are living, and its various
preliminary stages. Soon enough, the current imperfections will probably be
seen as nothing but the delay effects of industrialism.
Gently flows the fourth longest river of Europe Don, yet today, just
like the waste on its way, hopefully to recycling
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