The source separation horoscope


In your household you experience a blurred division of labour, in connection to source separation, with the effect that waste easily ends up between two stools. Certain members of the household systematically withdraw from their source separation responsibility, and for this reason the source separation morale has decreased. It is important to act in order to clarify responsibilities in order to ensure that everybody contributes to a correct source separation.



You have accumulated some hazardous waste, which has ended up in your wardrobes. You have repeatedly considered bringing the corresponding waste to the recycling station, but other priorities have occurred and you have now almost forgotten it. Lately you have even been tempted to dispose of it among the ordinary household refuses. To prevent the problem from growing even larger, you need to plan the adequate disposal of the waste in the near future and ideally you should settle a date in your schedule right away to pay a visit to the reception place for hazardous waste.



You have following the source separation compaigns of the municipality paid attention to follow the instructinos to a tee and regularly visit recycling stations as well as anemity sites. Lately however, you have experienced a lack of motivation when it comes to source separation and you have started cheating, primarily regarding metal- and plastic packages. This is a natural reaction to the work with the source separation requires and the intransparancy in the downstream activities. In order to cure this you need a better knowledge of how each type of waste is being handled, so that the value of your contribution becomes clearer. Your municipality can provide you with further information.



You experience a lack of control of what belongs where. You have studied the source separation guide of your municipality and you are familiar with the correct procedure for the most frequent types of packages. However you often sometimes hesistate when you handle waste categories which are not quite as obvious, such as multi-material packages consisting of both cardboard and packages. If you have carefully read through the source separation information of your municipality without finding the information you seek, Camelot recommends you to contact the waste management advisor of your municipality.



You feel overloaded by the source separation duties and this applies above all to the paper fraction. Apart from the newspaper to which you subscribe you more or less on a daily basis receive large amounts of printed commercials. You have reached a point, when you have started asking yourselves whether it is worthwhile to carry these significant amounts of paper, sometimes more than once a week, to the reycling station. Many people experience the paper fraction burdensome and in that case it may be a good idea to consider measures of waste minimisation, for example by means of declining direct commercials. In this way you reduce the demands on yourself, while simultaneously doing nature a favour.



Your municipality has not yet introduced separation of organic waste and therefore prescribes the disposal of kitchen waste in the normal residual fraction. Your ecological conscience however does not find this to be a satisfactory solution. In case you live in a separate house, you have the opportunity of introducing a garden compost, where the best result is obtained by means of mixing kitchen waste and garden waste. Contact your municipality or order home composting equipment directly from one of the manufacturers, which you will find by following this link.



You find the intermediate storage of the waste at home difficult. As long as the source separation only covered paper and glass, you easily found enough space in wardrobes, where the waste could be placed in paper bags prior to being transported to the recycling station, but with the multitude of fractions currently being included you have not found any practical solution yet. Many people, in particular those living in apartments in block houses, experience this kind of problems. A good solution is to install a special source separation equipment, which can be ordered from one of several alternative manufacturers, which you find by following this link.



You find the disposal of bulky waste troublesome and you find it complicated to transport for example old furniture to the recycling centre. You would prefer the opportunity to leave this waste in the doorside context, one way or another. Many people request a high level of service, when it comes to the bulky waste. In some municipalities it is possible to order fetching directly from the door, either covered by the tarif or at a separate fee. If this possibility does not exist, you may consider to jointly in the neighbourhood order a bulky waste container and thereby getting rid of the bulky waste all at once. This also applies to block houses without bulky waste cabinets.



You have noticed that your waste bin is being filled surprisingly quickly and sometimes you have detected waste bags in the bin which you do not recall having placed there yourself. You have started suspecting that illegitimate disposers utilise your bin. This can lead to additional costs, in particular if you pay by weight or emptying occasion and it is therefore important to counteract this kind of tendencies. If you live in a separate house, you might consider storing the bin indoors, for example in a garage. If you instead live in a block house, keys to the waste cabinet may have started circulating in an uncontrolled manner and the facilities manager will need to check what keys have been issued and possibly change the lock.



You find that the distance to your closest recycling station is discouragingly long, at least in cases when the disposal cannot be coordinated with another errand. You have started asking yourself if it is really worth the effort to be a good source separator. On some occasions, you have even allowed yourself to deviate from the source separation norm. In case your neighbours experience the same kind of problems, it may be worthwhile to investigate the possibility of introducing kerbside fetching of one or several fractions. Even for separate houses, it has become more common to fetch sometimes even all fractions directly from the building.



You never cease to be surprised by the large amounts of waste passing by in your home and sometimes you ask yourself if this is really necessary. In many cases it is in fact possible to reduce the packaging amounts by means of a conscious ecologically minded consumption selection. By systematically preferring large packs and refill packs, you can save significant packaging amounts.



For many years, you have sorted packages and on the whole you find that the municipality offers practical solutions for their collection. However when it comes to electronic waste you find it more complicated to adhere to the requirements. This applies to flash bulbs as well as different kinds of electronic household appliances. Today the only possibility it these cases is often to leave the waste at one of the recycling centres of the municipality. The infrastructure for the handing in of electronic waste in many cases, in Sweden as well as abroad, is underdeveloped. Some form of doorside fetching for electric and electronic waste is recommendable. In block houses it is a strong recommendation for real estate owners to subscribe to fetching of electronic waste, at least 5-10 times per year and also in areas of separate houses, mobile fetching should take place at least a couple of times per year. regi.


Camelot Waste Management Consulting * Nybrogatan 83; Stockholm
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