Industry links public administration in Europe
In this version of the Portal of Europe the regions
are being listed without regard to national belonging, as a kind
of the United States of Europe:
1. Brussels
2. Switzerland
3. London
4. Île-de-France
5. The German free cities
6. Flanders
7. Antwerpen
8. Wallonia including Luxemburg
9. East-of-England
10. South-East
11. Yorkshire and the Humber
12. West-Midlands
13. East-Midlands
14. South-West
15. North-East
16. North-West
17. Skottland
18. Wales
19. Nordirland
20. Normandy
21. Northeastern France
22. Central France and Northern Biscaya
23. The French Alps and the Riviera
24. Die Pyrenees
25. Bavaria
26. Baden-Württemberg
27. Hesse
28. Rine-Pfalz
29. North Rine-Westfalen
30. Lower Saxony
31. Schleswig-Holstein
32. Brandenburg
33. Saxony
34. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
35. Thüringen
36. Saxony-Anhalt
37. Northwestern Italy
38. Northeastern Italy
39. Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany
40. Central Italy
41. Southern Italy
42. Calabria and the islands
43. Northern Holland
44. The Dutch city region
45. Southern Holland
46. Austria
47. Denmark
48. Götaland
49. Svealand
50. Norrland
51. Ireland
52. Norway
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