Municipality of the week 2019/34
Tuusula, or Tuusby as it is called in Swedish, is situated in the county
of Nyland, around 30 km North of Helsinki
Basic facts:
- Population: 39 kpe
- Area: 220 square kilometres
- Population density: 176 pe/square kilometer
- Country: Finland
- Region: Nyland
- Share block houses: n.a.
- Distance from Karlaplan: 499 km
The municipality weapon of Tuusula has a rather high factor of originality
and pictures a twig of lingonberry along with some mechanical gadget
Prevailing logistical structure:
- Production model: N.a.
- Utensils: Bins 140-240 litres for organic waste and 360-660 litres for residual waste
- Collection frequency: Generally once every 1-2 weeks
- Treatment method: Incineration for residual waste, rotting with production
of bioethanol for organic
- Treatment destination: Riihim�ki for residual, Karanoja for food waste
- Distance to treatment: 45 km for residual waste, 74 km for organic
- Transfer station: Yes, in J�rvenp� for the entire amount of residual- and food waste
- Number of recycling centers: 2, which renders a density of 19 kpe per facility
- Number of bring banks: 12, which gives a desnity of 3 221 pe/facility,for the fractions
metal, glass, cardboard and plastics
- Autmoatic weight registration: Only for underground containers
- Composting regime Compulsory for houses with >5 appartments
- Kerbside collection of hazardous waste: Weekly collection round with 2 stops
- Kerbside collection of bulky waste: Yes
- Kerbside collection of packages: For houses with min 5 sppartments
Central Tuusula by air photo
Collected amounts:
- Residual waste: 169 kg/cap
- Organic waste: 16 kg/cap
Supplier structurer:
- Collection household waste: Lassila-Tikanoja
- Recycling centers: N.a.
- Hazardous waste: Fortum
- Treatment residual waste: Fortum
- Treatment organic waste: St1 Renewable Energy
- Collection plastics: Rinki
- Collection glass: Rinki
- Collection metal: Rinki
- Collection cardboard: Rinki
- Collection old newspapers: Rinki
- Collection electronics: N.a.
- Dismantling of electronics: N.a.
- Plastics recycling: Fortum
- Glass recycling: Rinki
- Newspaper recycling: Suomen Keräystuote
- Metal recycling: Rinki
- Cardboard recycling: Rinki
Economical parametres:
- Fee separate houses: Per emptying incl. VAT 5,32 EUR for 140 liter bin of food waste; 5,49 EUR for 190 liter bin of residual waste
- Fee block houses: Per emptying incl. VAT 10,23 EUR for 660 liter bin residual waste
- Treatment cost household waste: 150 EUR per ton for residual, 116 EUR per ton for organic
- Collection cost: N.a.
Suggestions for future waste-of-the-week may be submitted
to This profile has been developed
in co-operation with the municipality of Tuusula and its publication has been
In order to know more about Municipality of the week,
regarded as a project, as well as to view an overview
of the examples so far published under this vignette,
please click here.
Camelot Waste Management Consulting * Nybrogatan 83; Stockholm
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