Industry links public administration in Europe
You have now reached Camelot's Portal of Europe.
Here below you find industry links to the public administration structures
in Europe. You can choose between navigating after the national states or going
directly to the regional overview:
In order to get to the national state version, click here.
In order to get to the regional version, click here.
Since the "Portal-of-Europe" belongs to the most visited sections of
Camelot's site, also for those not active in waste management, Camelot has
launched a more extensive version of it, as a seprate site, which
can be reach by following the following link.
"Europe's landscapes are metaphores for its entire past,
its particularism and emotional ties to what is ridiculous
and provincial, to the slow interlinking of the towns and
the small principalities to larger complexes."
Czeslaw Milosz
"The Europeans are idiots, they believe Europe is the only thing
that exists, everything else might be of interest, but merely as
an exotic product, which is nothing worth."
Miguel Angel Asturias
"There is a responsibility to unite the European peoples
in a protection of the form of life and the spiritual and cultural
heritage, from Jerusalem, Athens and Rome, which makes these peoples
members of a special league of nations within those wider circles,
which are constituted by the Western world and the United Nations"
Dag Hammarskjöld
"All European states, with the exception of Monaco, are constitutional;
and the constitutions of the major states have all been enforced by means
of popular risings and resolutions."
August Strindberg
"In these European countries, we have continually attained a higher
level of average GDP per capita and an ever more equal distribution of
the prosperity. This is of course the explanaition, why in our happy nations
the people in general are nor more worried than what is the case, when they
here that the world economy is falling apart"
Gunnar Myrdal
"Europe is an Asian appendix"
Friedrich Nietzsche
"Europa to me is lika food portion at a train buffet which has got
cold and no longer teases the aptetite."
Gerhart Hauptmann
The exclusion, so far (note bene), of municipalities residing on
the Iberian peninsula in the Portal-of-Europe,
is apart from by Camelot's lack of familiarity with languages
in practice in the corresponding area, motivated by
the following quote, referring to Spain:
"There is no other country, whose manners and customs are so
little related to those of the other countries of Europe."
The Duke of Wellington
Have you found further quotes, which catch the particularities of Europe in
a vigorous manner and which you believe may contribute to the completeness of the
presentation. Please feel free to send them to
Key positions:
- Northern outpost (71 degrees): Nordkapp,
Finnmark, Norway
- Southern outpost (36 degrees): Ragusa,
Sicily, Italy
- Eastern outpost (+16 degrees): Neusiedl am See,
Burgenland, Austria
- Western outpost (-10 degrees): Kerry,
Munster, Ireland
- Approximate central position (+3,53): North Sea, 100 kilometres Northeast of
Friesland, Netherlands
Geografisk räckvidd:
- Vertical spatial scope: 19%
- Horizontal spatial scope: 7%
- Nominal temporal scope: 1,0 hours
- Real temporal scope: 1,7 hours
Key figures waste management flows:
- Residual waste: 41 miljoner ton
- Biological waste: 46 miljoner ton
- Packages: 66 miljoner ton
- Hazardous waste: 1 miljon ton
Key figures waste management infrastructure:
- Estimated number of collection vehicles for household waste: 25 000
- Estimated number of recycling centres: 15 000
- Estimated number of larger landfill sites: 3 000
- Estimated number of incineration plants: 500
General key figures:
- Share of world land area: 2%
- Share of world population: 5%
- Share of world GDP: 28%
- Share of Nobel Prices in literature: 51%
Comparison with the US:
- Land area: 0,3
- Population: 1,1
- GDP: 0,8
- Nobel prices in literature: 6,0
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Camelot Waste Management Consulting * Nybrogatan 83; Stockholm
Camelot - Carving out Competitive advantage
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